Introducing: Earth Mom
A New Force of Nature

At first glance, the Earth Mom logo conveys both the splendor and vulnerability of our beautiful blue planet. As an organization, we seek to combine a powerful law of economics with an ageless law of nature to help stop pollution cold at checkout counters located around the globe.

By embracing openly accepted social media technology, we can arm our members with important eco-info with which to help make purchasing decisions. When we commit ourselves to purchasing only the most eco-friendly products from the most eco-friendly companies, we can immediately begin to eliminate pollution all around the globe.

Our Mantra:

We plan to resolve the worlds pollution problem by rewarding sound environmental practices with our collective patronage. By teaching our members how best to find and reward eco-friendly business entities, only those businesses that are equally committed to putting the environment first above profits will thrive.

Spotting Eco-Friendly Businesses:

In time, you will simply look for the Earth Mom icon everywhere you shop including the web. It's an indication that this business enterprise is in full agreement to be constantly aware of the needs of our environment. Since membership is free to all, there is no reason that every business you patronize should not have made a simple commitment to the environment. Click the icon on their website to instantly be re-directed to their company Eco-Policy page. If you don't see an indication that this business has adopted certain minimum measures on behalf of the environment, simply "Let The Management Know" you hope they get on board one day soon.

More Info:

Our collective spending habits enable the worst of offenders to continue to exist and pollute. The Law of Supply and Demand can be a powerful motivational tool for change. Business entities who view our collective buying power
as an new marketing opportunity and address the concerns of our members, will surely thrive. Those that fail, will likely be swallowed up by those who care or eventually fail and go by the wayside. Either way, entities that continue to pollute will eventually dissolve away.

The 21st Century Law of Natural Selection defines how entities will survive and thrive far into the future. These two laws combine to create a highly effective win/win first for the environment and then for those who business entities whom embrace an "environment first" policy.