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Insulating and Caulking

Additional Insulation: Adding additional insulation to the ceilings, walls and floors of your home traps heat inside during the winter and keeps heat outside during the summer.

Caulking and Stripping: Caulking and weather stripping your doors and windows is an efficient way to lessen energy consumption.

HVAC Dust System: Inspect your home's HVAC duct system to be sure they're properly connected, sealed tightly and well insulated.

Insulating Pads: Install the ready-made foam insulating pads inside your receptacle and switch plate covers to keep out the winter cold and summer heat.

Seal Air Leaks: Exposed electrical wires and pipes causes an increase in energy consumption. Caulk and seal air leaks where plumbing, ducts or electrical wires penetrate the exterior walls, floors and ceilings.

Wall Insulation System: More than half of the energy used for heating is lost through un-insulated walls, floors, ceilings and attics. Make sure to install wall insulation system to preserve energy.